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Where is the Ryujinx save location? (2024)

Ryujinx save location

This article is about Ryujinx save locations, backing up saved data, and how to back up all the save states.

We will also discuss if it is possible to transfer Ryujinx save files between different devices, and how frequently you should back up the saved data.

Lastly, we will explore the compatibility of saved files from older versions of Ryujinx with the latest version.

Where is the Ryujinx save location?

As for the Ryujinx save location, it is normally stored in a particular folder on your device. Then it may change based on the operating system you are using.

The easiest way of finding out the save location is by following these steps:

  1. Open Ryujinx.
  2. Click on the game you want to access the save file for.
  3. Right-click on the game’s title in the left area.
  4. Select “Open User Save Directory” from the menu.

  5. This will open the folder containing the saved files for that specific game.

Note: Each game will have a folder in the “save” folder. The folder name is typically a random set of characters, but it may sometimes represent the game’s ID.

Similar Guide: Where are Yuzu save files located?

Backing Up Ryujinx Saved Data

To make sure that you have copies of the saved data from Ryujinx, you can copy the saved files and store them in a different folder on your device.

This is why it should be possible to make a backup as often as you can so that no recent progress would be lost.

Here are some quick and easy steps on how to back up your saved data:

1. Go to the Save Folder:

2. Go to the Game Folder:

3. Copy the Save Files:

5. Find a backup location and Paste the Files:

How to backup all Ryujinx save states?

Backing up all the save states in Ryujinx can be done by copying the entire save folder, which contains all the save files.

You can follow the steps above you just need to copy all the contents of the save folder in Ryujinx.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it is crucial to know the Ryujinx save location and regularly backup both your save data and save states. By doing so, you can safeguard your progress and easily restore it if needed.

Remember to store the backups in a safe location to avoid any potential loss. Now you can enjoy playing Ryujinx with peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you transfer Ryujinx save files between different devices?

Transferring Ryujinx save files between different devices is possible, but it may require additional steps. You would need to transfer the saved files from the original device to the new device and ensure that the new device has the same firmware that’s installed just in case the folder structure was to change.

How often should I back up my Ryujinx saved data?

Regarding the frequency of backing up the saved data, it is usually quite a good idea to do so from time to time, especially after substantial progression or some changes happening in your game. 

You will lower the chances of losing all your hard work and be able to restore your recent backup as soon as possible.

Can I use save files from older versions of Ryujinx with a later version?

Yes, generally, saving files from an earlier version of Ryujinx can be used with a later version. The developers of Ryujinx value save compatibility with updates.

But it may be good if you check the official website for more in-depth information regarding this.

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